鸡皮疙瘩! The Science of Fear

鸡皮疙瘩! The Science of Fear

作者:Susan Fine



Why do our hearts race, our knees shake, and our bodies sweat when we are scared? 鸡皮疙瘩! The Science of Fear, a new exhibit developed by the California Science Center, explores this universal emotion that can save our lives. Through fun, interactive challenges, guests can experience fear in a safe environment and discover the science behind their physical and emotional 反应. The exhibit opens Thursday January 24 at the Western Heritage 博物馆 and Lea County Cowboy Hall of Fame, with a free reception for the public, beginning at 5:30pm.  

“This exhibit is very interactive to help visitors understand what happens to the body when they get scared,” said Dr. Darrell Beauchamp, Executive Director of the goosebumps-girl博物馆. “访问ors will experience common fears like falling, animals and loud noises – all while having fun.  We are very excited to bring this to Lea County.”

The 5,000 square-foot exhibit includes immersive environments and full-body, interactive experiences that allow guests to test their own fears and rate their physiological 反应. Leading scientists and their current research on the neurobiology, physiology and psychology of fear are also featured throughout the exhibit.

“We all experience fear, but many people do not understand why”, said Dr. 大卫•成员 California Science Center Curator of Technology Programs and exhibit organizer for 鸡皮疙瘩!  “This is the first comprehensive exhibit on fear that engages visitors with fun experiences that trigger an authentic fear 响应, and then motivates them to learn how the brain and body work together in 响应 to danger. “

鸡皮疙瘩!Fear Challenge Course, where visitors can face four common fears in a safe environment. The first challenge, 对动物的恐惧, dares guests to reach into concealed terrariums that might be the home of creepy-crawly 生物. 在隔壁房间, Fear of Electric Shock, visitors may feel their heart pounding as they anticipate getting zapped by a jolt 的电力.  In Fear of Loud Noises visitors test this innate fear that helps keep us out of harm’s way. 最后, Fear of Falling challenge allows guests to experience a sudden loss of support and then watch a video recording of their reaction to the backwards drop.

Another exhibit highlight is the 恐惧的实验室, a section which explores the brain’s structures and pathways that drive the fear 响应. 访问ors will meet Mr. 鸡皮疙瘩, a larger-than-life figure that illustrates, through animation, how the brain and body work together in 响应 to danger.  真正的 brains and brain slices preserved through the process of plastination are on display showing similarities in a key fear structure in the brains of humans and animals.

Other thematic areas in the exhibit include:

情绪的表情 – 访问ors can explore the 面部表情 of fear and other emotions that may be universal in humans. Cutting edge software is used to analyze and identify guests’ 面部表情.

goosebumps-boy野外的恐惧 – A put-yourself-in-the-picture immersive video game allows guests to explore common 反应 to danger, including freeze, flight and fight. 访问ors will discover how fear helps all animals, including humans, stay alive.

恐惧与社会 – Some fears spread beyond the individual and become stronger as more people become 害怕. A short film and exhibit displays how our collective fears are represented and transmitted through media and pop culture.

应对恐惧 – While a certain amount of fear is normal, some anxieties can get out of control. 访问ors can find out what fears are common at different stages in life, and learn about ways to help children move past their fears. They can also watch interviews with patients suffering from anxiety disorders to understand what happens when the fear system goes awry.

Design and Development

鸡皮疙瘩! The Science of Fear is developed by the California Science Center and supported, in part, by the Informal Science Education program of the National 科学基金会 under grant ESI-0515470.  Opinions expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the National 科学基金会.